Communicate the Value of Your Academic Library

As a librarian, it can be difficult to convey the benefits of the library and all it has to offer to your patrons. At Taylor & Francis we recognise this, which is why we have created two clear, engaging and informative infographics available below to help you advertise your resources and services. These infographics can either be shared digitally or printed out and pinned up in your library – whichever you think would be the best in spreading awareness!

The Value of Your Academic Library

The first infographic ‘The Value of Your Academic Library’ communicates the ways in which the library can support patrons and their course needs. This should encourage your patrons to take advantage of all that the library can provide, such as a quiet space for study, a range of resources in print and digital format, knowledgeable staff on hand to guide patron access to these resources, as well as internet access and similar economic benefits.

The Value of Your Academic Library (002)

How to Make the Most Out of Your Library

The second infographic ‘How to Make the Most Out of Your Library’ dives deeper, detailing the library services that may be available to patrons, encouraging them to engage with the library to seek out these amenities. It explains what they are, why they are useful to them, where they can find them and how they can start using them. This will empower patrons to understand that their library provides more than what resources are on the shelves, such as Library Tours and Loan Services, and will give them an appetite to explore and discover further possibilities.

Make most of academic library

We hope you will find these helpful and look forward to hearing how well they are received.
Click on the images above to download your copy.