Improve Discovery and Use of Taylor & Francis Titles

Taylor and Francis understands that full, high-quality MARC records greatly improve the discoverability and usage of your resources, so we have partnered with OCLC to provide WorldCat records for your titles.

To help further reduce the challenges in your management of Taylor and Francis eBooks, we are pleased to announce that you can now automate subscription management workflows, eliminating the need for manual intervention by library staff.

This means that (with your permission) Taylor and Francis will provide updates weekly to OCLC with your library-specific holdings data (including new and deleted titles) so that OCLC can automatically:

  • Register your titles in the WorldCat knowledge base
  • Keep your WorldCat holdings up-to-date for your Taylor and Francis ebooks*
  • Provide full-text links to ensure seamless access
  • Deliver customizable MARC records with ongoing updates as your subscription changes over time

*Requires an active OCLC Cataloging and Metadata Subscription

To get started

  1. Taylor & Francis subscribers who have an active OCLC cataloging subscription can follow the simple steps outlined in the documentation to take advantage of this benefit with WorldShare Collection Manager.

  2. For Taylor & Francis subscribers who do not have an OCLC cataloging subscription, OCLC has developed a setup wizard to help guide you through the process of getting started. OCLC has also created a video and documentation that walks you through the setup wizard process in Collection Manager.

  3. If you have already enabled MARC record delivery in Collection Manager after our previous announcement, you can follow the steps under Manage WorldCat holdings outlined in the documentation to enable automated holdings maintenance.

If you have any questions, please join OCLC for Collection Manager office hours or contact OCLC support.