Get published

Looking for information on how to get published? Taylor & Francis Author Services guides you through the scholarly publishing process, so you can help your researchers get published, or find out how to share your own research and initatives in one of our library and information science journals.

You can also look for blogs from other librarians about writing for scholarly journals, such as Academic Writing Librarians by Helen Fallon of Maynooth University Library.

Our editors are also always keen to consider proposals for new books. We publish five main text types: research monographs, textbooks, handbooks and companions, professional books, and short-form publications (Routledge Focus), with a number of variations in each group. To get a better understanding of where your book will fit, read our text type descriptions and download their proposal guidelines at Routledge Author Resources.

Whether you’re looking to publish your own research, or advising your researchers on where to start, the first step is to research the journal best matched to the paper. Search Taylor & Francis Online, read the correct journal’s aims and scope, and browse published articles. Build up a picture of who you are writing for, and your chosen journal’s style and submission process. Think about whether you want to publish Open Access, and explore the different options.

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researcher at laptop

Write a draft of your article and then get others to read it and give you feedback. Then refine your draft and write your abstract, title, and select keywords. Use the journal’s instructions for authors for guidance on these, what formatting and style to use, and the word limit.

Read the instructions for authors on your journal home page, check you’ve followed them, and submit. Don’t forget to include any supplemental material, or to check you have permission to use any images. Use our checklist before you submit, and remember you can only submit an article to one journal at a time.

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two people reviewing paper together

Initially your article will be reviewed by the journal editor to check it matches the journal’s Aims and Scope. If your submission is appropriate for the journal, then the editor will send it out for peer review by experts in the field (usually two or three of your peers). Reviewers are often looking at several articles, so you may have to wait for their feedback. If you have submitted your manuscript via Scholar One Manuscripts or Editorial Manager you can check the progress of your article by logging into the online submission system. The journal editor will collate reviews and decide whether to reject your article, ask for revisions, or accept it. You choose whether to revise and resubmit.

Once your article has been accepted, copy editing will begin. You will be contacted by Taylor & Francis about checking your proofs. At this point you will also be asked to choose your licencing options and sign a publishing agreement.

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Once your article is published, let everyone know! There are many ways you can share different versions of your article with colleagues and peers. Promoting your work on social media, on your blogs and websites, and in your networks can make a big difference to its impact. You can measure the impact of your work with article metrics.

There are many benefits to publishing with Taylor & Francis and our leading imprints that are highly recognized in the academic and professional communities we serve.

On our Routledge Author Resources site you’ll find out everything you and your library users need to know about publishing a book with us – who we are, what we do, and why you should publish with us.

  • Learn about what makes Taylor & Francis unique in the publishing world
  • Explore the benefits of publishing with us
  • Download our Author Directions guides to social media, turning a PhD into a book, writing a book proposal and maintaining discoverability
  • Check out our Publishing Brochure, FAQs, author endorsements, and more!
Routledge Author Resources home page
Taylor & Francis editing services

For researchers and authors who have English as a second language, manuscript submissions are often rejected due to poor language quality. This makes the manuscript writing and submission process challenging for the author.

To support authors in their publication journey, Taylor & Francis provides a range of individual and package editing options through our Editing Services website.  Whatever your service choice or needs, we understand how important it is to showcase your research with the maximum impact, and will support you in improving your writing and the quality of your manuscript so that it’s ready for submission.