Materials Science

This collection will provide your users with access to the latest research from 32 leading journals in the defined research field of materials science.

Collection Statistics

32+ journals

9.2k+ volumes of research

77.9k+ peer-reviewed articles

Subject Areas

  • Chemical Engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Composite Materials
  • Electronics Engineering & Technology
  • Industrial & Production
  • Engineering
  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Physical & Theoretical
  • Physics
  • Polymers

Library Benefits

  • Match your content to your institution’s specialism
  • Users will have access to over 871k+ pages of the latest high-impact research
  • Pricing options that are flexible and economical
  • Reduce pressure on valuable storage space
  • Download data for your institution, including COUNTER-compliant usage figures and KBART files
  • Easily discover and read content on Taylor & Francis Online with our clean, intuitive user interface

Featured Journals

Catalysis Reviews: Science and Engineering

Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences