History of Economic Thought

History of Economic Thought is an exciting online platform that brings together the best and most relevant scholarship from Taylor & Francis, its imprints, and its authors. The resource covers the fascinating subject of the history of economic thought over the period 1700-1914. It contains an extensive range of primary and secondary resources, including full books, selected chapters, and journal articles, as well as new thematic essays, and subject introductions on key themes.

Our rich metadata at chapter and article level makes searching for material efficient and effective. Users can refine searches by content type, subject, current of thought, period, notable figure, and contributor as well as conduct keyword searches.

Find out more about the key features of History of Economic Thought, watch our take a tour video, read reviews or request more information on this page.

Key features

  • ExFocus on the period of 1700-1914.

  • Primary source collections are available here in electronic format for the first time.

  • More than 2000 chapters of secondary book content.

  • 200 journal articles from Taylor & Francis journals.

  • An introduction video to the subject and resource by Heinz D. Kurz.

  • Newly commissioned thematic essays written by experts in the field.

  • Short introductions that outline key Subject areas and Currents of Thought.

  • Browsing available by Content Type, Subject, Current of Thought, Notable Figure, Period and Country.

  • View texts on site or download the PDF.

  • Intuitive search tools enable users to find the exact material they need.

  • Detailed metadata at chapter and article level using a carefully chosen taxonomy of terms.


“This self-contained collection…is a well-organized, deep online resource for the study of economics and economic thought during the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries. Economics and history departments with a strong focus in this area will find this a welcome addition to their resources.”

F. Rowland, Temple University, Choice Magazine

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