Medical Library

Covering over 30 specialist areas of practice in 4 key areas, connect your users with 170 peer-reviewed journals.

Library Statistics

160+ journals

44.1k+ volumes of research

359.7k+ peer-reviewed articles

Featured Disciplines

  • Allied & Public Health
  • Clinical Psychiatry & Neuroscience
  • General Medicine & Dentistry
    • Oncology, Obstetrics, & Gynecology
    • Ophthalmology
    • Orthopedics
    • Endocrinology
  • Pharmaceutical Science & Toxicology

Key Research

Journals are published on behalf of leading societies including:

  • Cardiovascular Research Foundation
  • Canadian Thoracic Society
  • Society of British Neurological Surgeons
  • American College of Nutrition
  • International Society of Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Library Benefits

  • Our largest package of medical content ensures your users have access to the latest high-impact content.
  • Over 90% of journals in this package are included in Clarivate Analytics Citation Indexes/Web of Science®.
  • Download data for your institution, including COUNTER-compliant usage figures and KBART files.
  • Easily discover and read content on Taylor & Francis Online with our clean, intuitive user interface.

New Launch Free Trial

Taylor & Francis is committed to supporting new research areas by launching journals in developing fields. If your library subscribes to any of the Taylor & Francis Libraries, your institution will be eligible to receive a free trial to all new launch content in journals publishing in Volumes 1 and 2.

Featured Journals

Clinical Toxicology

International Reviews of Immunology