What’s new on Taylor & Francis eBooks?

Taylor & Francis have a variety of new features available to help you explore our eBook titles and find the content most relevant to you. On this page you can find out abut our most recent updates, ensuring you get the best possible experience on Taylor & Francis eBooks.

T&F Achieves Gold Standard for Digital Accessibility

At Taylor & Francis, we are committed to ensuring that our digital products are accessible to all users, regardless of their ability or the technology they’re using. We are pleased to announce that our Taylor & Francis eBooks platform has successfully achieved Gold Standard for digital accessibility according to the standards set by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the main international standards organization for the Internet. These guidelines are widely accepted as the gold standards for digital accessibility and serve as the basis of most accessibility regulations worldwide.

The Taylor & Francis eBooks platform and Digital products, such as Sustainable Development Goals Online, now comply with the industry standards for users with disabilities, making this implementation vital for our ultimate goal of inclusion for all.

You can read more about our Accessibility Statement here.

ORCID iD on Taylor & Francis eBooks

Taylor & Francis are pleased to offer the newly implemented ORCID iD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) feature on our T&F eBooks platform.

This feature:

  • shows an ORCID iD link against any Author’s name, enabling navigation to the ORCID dashboard to see all other content published by that Author
  • allows discovery of other Authors and their works in the field, as well as connecting Authors with Researchers.

Dimensions Citation Badges for eBooks

Taylor & Francis have added The Dimension Badge to our eBooks platform in response to feedback on our Author Survey. The Dimensions Badge provides an easy way for researchers and academic institutions to showcase the number of citations that their publications have received. By embedding a Dimensions Badge into Taylor & Francis eBooks, readers and researchers can easily see the impact of their work on the development of their research area to others browsing the content.

Opt-Out OA Books from KBARTs

Taylor & Francis have now added an Opt-Out feature on the Librarian dashboard to allow customers to opt-out from receiving Open Access Books from their KBART feed. This feature appears as an Opt-Out checkbox in the self-service portal and also in the KBARTs entitlement feed, allowing customers to decide if they want to receive the Open Access titles.